Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha

ॐ गं गणपतये नमः



Jai Sri Ganesha

Monday, September 18, 2023

Sri Ganesh Jayanti

  Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ganesha Jayanti today is a defined day to enjoin the divine celebration of his incarnation as a son to goddess Gauri, Man needs Ganesha to be on the roughest and steepest road of life full of trials and tribulation in truth with unwanted barriers, whereby men deceive the man most, man deceives the self utmost, and do need reliable support for the stability of self midst of all odds and Ganesha is giver, 

Time to bow down in his honor with all respect and due submission to mark yourself in truth with the day, time to join simplicity of self in the truth of humanity, time to rise above the pity needed to nourish ego and pride, time to help the destitute, 

Clarify the truth about his reality that Ganesha was worshipped in his other aspect on the marriage of Lord Shiva, is ancient that most may be before time and space, atheists and materialists may not reach the reality of his truth but all may experience his grace in his refuge, 

Mild application of self in truth with the discipline of the day as prescribed by the time and ages may rescue from his own delusion the worst in any case, Ganesha is a remover of ignorance and giver of fair intellect to win over self for the cause of eternal, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please